About Us

Best Antique Repairing & Restoration in Bella Vista

The experienced experts at Homepikkins offer nothing less than the number one antique repairing and restoration service in Bella Vista. We refurbish antique, vintage furniture, resale antiques and vintage as well as primitives and farmhouse decor.Everything from A-Z. When it comes to those heirlooms and relics that have been passed down through generations, some furniture you’ve brought down from the loft, or something exciting you bought from a car boot sale, we’re capable of restoring your pieces using modern techniques like veneering, woodturning, and polishing. We restore a diverse range of antique pieces so contact us today through our booking form to discuss your specific needs.

Quality Varnishing Treatments

Have you inherited a vintage table or grandfather clock, or some perhaps another piece of furniture that’s beginning to look slightly weathered? Maybe you’ve picked something up second hand that is screaming for a makeover? Our restoration experts are experienced in treating ageing and fading woodwork with traditional varnishing techniques that help restore the wooden colour of your pieces and bring them back to life. Our work maintains the original properties of the item and can preserve its life long into the future.

Attention to Detail

We deliver expert varnishing and veneering services across an exceptional range of antique items. Our qualified and meticulous staff work with tremendous attention to detail to restore your ancient antiques back to their former glory while being careful to maintain the original properties and character of the item. Whether it’s a table, a piece of furniture, or maybe even an ornament we’re experienced enough to help you out.


24/7 availability

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